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The school has a governing body whose job it is to work closely with the Headteacher and Pathfinder Schools Trust Board in ensuring the smooth running of the school. The Governors help decide school policy, consult and advise on the curriculum, monitor finance, appoint staff, fix salaries, arbitrate on matters of discipline and generally take a full part in the life of the school.

The governing body has representatives from the Community, the teachers and staff and the parents. Parent governors are elected by the parents and serve a four year period.
The governors meet every term to discuss school issues. All meetings are minuted and the minutes are available for inspection. Small sub committees meet regularly to oversee on-going issues.

Governors can be contacted on email address:  . Please ensure all queries or concerns have been resolved by the school following the complaints guidance listed on the website.

Become a Governor

We are always looking for new governors to support our vibrant school. If you have an interest in improving education and would like to make a difference within your community, please register your interest by emailing the chair of Governors Bryan Kennedy on . Information on the role of a Governor can be find in the documents on the side bar of this page

Letters will be sent out to parents if we have a Parent governor vacancy with details of how to apply for this role. This will also be advertised on our weekly newsletter.


Including governors whose appointment ended within the previous acedemic year 

Current Governor Information
Governor NameDate appointedTerm of OfficeDate they stepped down (if applicable)Appointed byType of Governor (Parent, Community, Staff)* Committee they attendDeclarations of interest
Alison Willis 17/04/2023 Ongoing     HeadTeacher  All  
Bryan Kennedy 29/09/2023 4 Years   Governors Chair - Community    

Floren Looker


4 Years




Safeguarding and Inclusion

Holly Lomas  01/09/2022 4 Years   Governors Community Finance,Staffing and Resources  
Paul Rangecroft 07/11/2022 4 Years   Governors Community Quality and Standards Relative of pupil in school
Briony De-Wit 07/11/2022 4 Years   Governors  Parent Quality and Standards Parent

David Tredrea


4 Years




Courtney Kingsnorth  18/11/2024 4 Years   Governors Parent   Relative of pupil in school


Governor Documents

Upcoming Events

No events found

Contact Us

Postal Address

Loatlands Primary School,
Harrington Road,
NN14 2NJ

Telephone: 01536 903713


Key Contacts:

Headteacher: Mrs A Willis

Deputy Headteacher: Miss J Heald

Assistant Headteacher:  Mrs R Robinson

Chair of Governors:  Mr B Kennedy

Business Manager : Mrs G Seakens

Family Support Worker: Mrs K Davidson

Administrator: Mrs L Biddlecombe

Clerical Assistant: Mrs K Kershaw



Loatlands House Points

phoenix image
Hydra Image
Centaur Image
Griffin Image