Loatlands House Points

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The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff know how to spot signs of potential risks to pupils’ safety. Leaders know what to do when worried about a pupil. They seek further advice when needed and work well with other agencies
Ofsted 2022
Leaders have prioritised reading. Pupils begin to learn the sounds that letters make as soon as they start school. They are well supported in the early stages of learning to read. Staff pay attention to how well pupils learn sounds
Ofsted 2022
The school’s core values of respect, resilience and curiosity are woven through all areas of Loatlands Primary. Pupils enjoy going to school and say that it is ‘a great place to make new friends’
Ofsted 2022
All staff are friendly and approachable and prioritise my child’s well being
Parent Survey 2022
Loatlands, I love it. It’s the best place to learn new things!
Jake, Year 3
Loatlands Primary School,
Harrington Road,
NN14 2NJ
Headteacher: Mrs A Willis
Deputy Headteacher: Miss J Heald
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs R Robinson
Chair of Governors: Mr B Kennedy
Business Manager : Mrs G Seakens
Family Support Worker: Mrs K Davidson
Administrator: Mrs L Biddlecombe
Clerical Assistant: Mrs K Kershaw