Accessibility Tools

Parents are always very welcome in school where their interest and help in the classroom is much appreciated. If you are able to give half an hour, an afternoon or longer on a regular basis please contact the school. We will be delighted to see you and introduce you to other ‘mums and dads’ who give us so much valuable help. Teachers welcome the help of mothers and fathers either within the classroom or especially when taking children out and about on trips. To work in school as volunteers, parent helpers now need to be checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service. The cost is free - please speak to the school office.

We are also grateful for jobs done at home, such as sewing costumes for assemblies, shows, etc.

You can also help support us and please your children by attending class and whole school events throughout the year. 

Upcoming Events

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Contact Us

Postal Address

Loatlands Primary School,
Harrington Road,
NN14 2NJ

Telephone: 01536 903713


Key Contacts:

Headteacher: Mrs A Willis

Deputy Headteacher: Miss J Heald

Assistant Headteacher:  Mrs R Robinson

Chair of Governors:  Mr B Kennedy

Business Manager : Mrs G Seakens

Family Support Worker: Mrs K Davidson

Administrator: Mrs L Biddlecombe

Clerical Assistant: Mrs K Kershaw



Loatlands House Points

phoenix image
Hydra Image
Centaur Image
Griffin Image